March 11, 2017

#WutTheEff - I'm (Gone to Hell and) Back!!!

First of all, it does not take a genius to notice that I have posted too little in this blog of mine for the past year or so and if it was unnoticeable (thank you for being so considerate if you think of it that way), then let me formally say it...

"I have posted too little in my blog for the past year...or even more!"

I actually had to admit that because it is true.  How did that happen? Well, let me explain that in a jiffy.

You see, after a good run with blogging for the whole of 2014 and 2015, I was in fact very optimistic and inspired to continue that run when 2016 came.  I even planned a lot of stuff to add in this blog (started a Photo 366 section called "Snaps and Thoughts") and was determined to double up on my blog posts for that year.

Unfortunately, Evil devised a way to thwart that plan though...and succeeded.

That "Evil's way" I am talking about is my Day Job. How many here can relate to the fact that every workplace can turn from a paradise or heaven of sorts to being pandemonium and hell in an instant?  That is what happened to my workplace.

When I started out in that company, it was all good and smooth-sailing.  The people , the environment, and even the payout are all in the good side that working is fun and not stressful.  I was even able to start my blog when I was there which reflected how I was comfortable and happy with the work and social life balance that I was having that time.  However, as they say, "the only constant thing in the world is change", and Yah! Change came but on the hellish side of the fence, unfortunately.  A change in the higher ups, a change in environment  (transfer of office to another floor in the building), and a change in policies (favoring the company's profit, but abusing employees in the process) slowly took away all the fun and comfortability I had before and turned it to anxiety and stress.

That change affected me a lot and it was evident in all the facets of my life, including my blogging activity. I was not able to keep up with what I started and I eventually succumbed to stress and let my blog go barren for long periods of time.  I know its not good, but what can I do? I need my day job and had been constrained to put all my resources into coping up with the sudden "hellish" change that happened.

After some time of enduring all of those changes and stresses that it brought, push came to shove and I decided that continuing at my workplace is not doing me any good and just brought in all the bad.  So what did I do?  I resigned, risked it all, and set out to find a new job (fortunately, I did found a new one).

Right now, I am at a new workplace and have a new environment and although its a bit early,  it is safe to say that I am feeling better now and recovering from all the stress that "Hell" brought me for the past year or so. I am still aware of the fact that there is no permanent thing in this world and that my new current workplace is not immune to sudden changes, but I do hope that if ever that time will come, it will be in the next decade or more, LOL!

Officially, I can proclaim that I have been to Hell and back after all that has transpired.  What I have gone through was really a stressful and debilitating series of events, mind you, and  I realized that if I had not decided to move out, my situation could have gone worse.  Thankfully, I risked and did right thing.

Since I can say that this is a new chapter and a new start for me, then I think that it is right that I mark this also as a renewed point in my blogging endeavor and there is no better way to do that than with a blog post, just like this.

To end this post, I will just say that...."I'M (Gone to Hell and) BACK!"

Until next time,




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