November 30, 2014

"First Timer in The City of Pines" - Our Baguio Vacation (Day 2)

So, how did a 31-year-old first timer fared in his recent fare to Baguio City?

In the first part of this feature of our vacation in Baguio City, it was shown that we chose to spend Day 1 of our trip by doing stopovers before going up to the City of Pines itself and just visiting places around the vicinity of Burnham Park when we got there. For Day 2, however, we picked up the pace and started things early as we have the "whole" day ahead of us.

To check out the first day of our trip, click HERE

Update!!! - The third part of this feature can be viewed HERE and HERE. Unfortunately, I had to split it up in two parts, but it is still a good read nonetheless.

Join me after the jump for Day 2 of our trip to Baguio City.

November 29, 2014

#EffTheWin - The New Star Wars Trailer Awakened something in Me

"Kim Kardashian Who? If anything can break the internet, I think this STAR WARS trailer is what it is!"

Besides being a Doctor Who fan, I am also a BIG Star Wars fan. In fact, I can say that I am a Star Wars fan before I even became a Doctor Who fan.

I have watched all of the movies; the original trilogy and even the prequel trilogy and to be honest, I was a bit sad when George Lucas said that there was no more to the story beyond Episode VI (Return of the Jedi) back then. Fast forward to present time, Lucasfilm is now acquired by Disney and when it was announced that an Episode VII is in the works (with JJ Abrams of Star Trek fame directing), I just cannot help but feel excited.

November 27, 2014

#Eckogram - Power of the Sixth

It is the last week of November, peeps. Just a few days to go and we will officially enter the month of December, the last month of the year. Anyway, here is another entry on my ongoing photo diary; the sixth one to be exact.

Eckogram Entry 06:

November 25, 2014

"First Timer in The City of Pines" - Our Baguio Vacation (Day 1)

So, how did a 31-year-old first-timer fared in his recent fare to Baguio City?

If you can still remember, I said (in a couple of my previous blog posts) that I have never yet set foot on the City of Pines through my whole 31 years of existence. However, that streak was broken when we had a vacation in Baguio City for not just one, but THREE full days (4 days, 3 nights is the better way to put it).

This vacation happened last October 24, 2014 - October 27, 2014 with me and my family (wife and kid) together with my Mom, my Lil' Sis and her BF, and a niece of mine. Join me after the jump as I tell how this trip to the Summer Capital of the Philippines turned out for a not-so-young first timer like me.

November 17, 2014

#Eckogram - Gimme Five

We are halfway through November now. How fast time flies, really. Anyway, it is another week and another time for #Eckogram Photo Diary. Fifth entry now, so let us have a go at it.

Eckogram Entry 05: 

November 15, 2014

More Like a Sonic "Precision" Screwdriver - The 11th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver Kit

"IMO, this thing should be called a Sonic "Precision" Screwdriver"

If you track back, I had a post some time ago about giving my little sister a "Doctor Who-related" gift. In that case, I gave her a Mini Light-Up TARDIS Kit (check that blog post HERE)

It seems to be that since we are Whovians, we cannot seem to get enough of Doctor Who stuff. I, for one, really wanted to have a "Sonic Screwdriver" replica of my own because I believe that besides the TARDIS,  the sonic screwdriver is the next iconic thing associated with the Doctor and Doctor Who itself. Problem is, Sonic Screwdriver replicas are rare and hard to find and to add to that, if you ever find one they are a little bit on the pricey side.

Fortunately, when I dropped by a newly opened hobby shop at our locale and while browsing at their lineup of Doctor Who merchandise, I saw the new stock of Running Press Mega Mini Kits and Lo and Behold, there is this Mini replica of the 11th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver in them.

November 11, 2014

#Eckogram - I am Entry Number Four

#Eckogram Photo Diary time again! This time, it is the fourth entry in this series. Let us get down to business, shall we?

Eckogram Entry 04:

November 5, 2014

November 1, 2014

For Allison Lenneth - On her 3rd Birthday

If you browse around the internet, most blog posts about greetings for a kid's birthday are written by Mothers. So, for a change, here is one written by a father, LoL!

"Don't blink! They'll be grown before you know it."

To my everdearest Allison Lenneth,

Before you were born, I always remember when people around me say that time flies by. Now that I am a dad, I experienced first-hand how that was true.

Before, I look at people like they are stupid when they tell me, "Don't blink! They'll be grown before you know it." However, come to think of it, those silly people (as I thought them to be) are right.