April 23, 2015

Super Friends Unite! - Pinoy DC Comics Fans gather for a World Record Attempt

Truly, friends do unite, as in "Super Friends Unite!"

Ever since I started blogging, it is really one of my goals to cover and blog about an event that is associated with cosplayers and cosplay, in general. Being a husband and a father, sometimes, my busy schedule and priorities come first, so I do not have the leisure of going to scheduled events especially if it does not align with my own schedule.

Fortunately, last weekend, the stars aligned...at last.

I work in the West Avenue area and after my day job,  I passed by The Block at SM City North Edsa and there was a big event happening there at that moment. Luckily for me, my trusty "Wan-Wan" was in my bag too, so I hurriedly pulled it out and embarked on an impromptu event coverage.

April 13, 2015

#Eckogram - "Fourteenth"

Oi Mates!  Again, here we are for another entry in my ongoing Photo Diary series. Well, It is the 14th one and I know for sure that if you are following the series, you for sure know the drill, eh? Here it goes:

Eckogram Entry 14:

April 8, 2015

#WutTheEff - The Scandal that is Balesin Island Club's "Yaya Meal" - An Act of Flagrant Social Discrimination

"It is actually a fine and delicious meal, but it does not warrant the discrimination behind the act."

Photo is from www.manila.coconuts.co
By judging the temperature these past few days, it is officially summer and the scorching heat is on. However, nothing is more scorching than the hot water that an exclusive place in Polillo, Quezon Province - The Balesin Island Club - is in right now. Courtesy of former beauty queen Maggie Wilson- Consunji's rants in her social media account.