March 31, 2015

#EffTheWin - Tekken 7 introduces Pinay Fighter "Josie Rizal"

"A Filipina character in Tekken deserves a lot of thumbs up, although the choice of her name will stick out like a sore thumb"

First things first, I am a self-confessed videogame fanatic and one genre that never fails to pique my interest is the fighting game genre. From the 2D fighting game that started it all - Street Fighter II - to the 3D slugfest that was the Tekken franchise, I can humbly say that I have played them all (spent a lot of time, energy, electricity, and even token/quarters on them).

Now speaking of Tekken, the game will soon be unveiling its seventh installment (Tekken 7) and in the fighting game genre, when there is a new installment of the game, one thing is constant - New Characters.

Of the newly-introduced characters, there is one that is really making waves as of late with the Filipino community, especially the gamers - Introducing Filipina fighter, Josie Rizal.

March 22, 2015

iZombie - A "No-Brainer" Smörgåsbord of mainstream TV series stuff

" iZombie is a series centered on the life of a zombie, but of course has its emphasis on the human experience."

Image from ComingSoon.Net 
Hey Peeps, I am posting here a personal review of "iZombie."

What? No! It is not a new app for IOS or Android..what the hell!?

Okay, It is a newly debuted TV show that has a very refreshing and cool take on the "Zombie Genre". Now, wait right there! I understand that most of you have your "fix of the undead" via The Walking Dead, but before you say that the last thing you need is another frickin' zombie show, I tell you this - This is a series you should most definitely give a shot.

March 13, 2015

#Eckogram - Friday (and) the 13th (entry)

Hello there! Today is Friday and the 13th day of the month - "Friday the 13th" as they call it - and incidentally, this is now the "Thirteenth" entry to my ongoing photo diary series. Talk about coincidence huh?! Anyway, here is the 13th Eckogram entry on a Friday the 13th:

Eckogram Entry 13:

March 12, 2015

A Random Spaghetti Tuesday

“Thinking about spaghetti that boils eternally but is never done is a sad, sad thing.”
― Haruki Murakami, Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman 

I know a lot of people will agree with me that sometimes a person - just out of the blue - gets a feeling of craving for a certain food item, right?

March 9, 2015

#Eckogram - A Dozen (Twelfth)

Hello Peeps! it is time once again for an entry to the ongoing "Eckogram Photo Diary" series. This the twelfth entry and whad'ya know? We already have a total of a dozen now. Nice!

Without further ado, here it goes..

Eckogram Entry 12: