February 1, 2018

Kiroku Tensha Holidays: Happy New Year!!! (2018 Version)

(A Belated) Happy New Year, Everyone!

Okay, how will I start this one? Ah, whatever!  So, first things first, this is my first blog post for the year 2018.  Well, to be honest, this is also my first post in months (Yeah, a lot of inactivity with my blog in my part, I know).

I really want to delve on the reason for the inactivity and the somewhat dismal turnout of my 2017 blogging, but I guess I have to reserve that later in this post.

Let us get straight to blog business shall we?  Obviously, the year that was 2017 already came to a close and unfortunately, I missed the chance to do a year-ending blog entry like the ones I was doing a couple of years ago. 

However, since this will be my first post for this year, I think I can still make a somewhat year-ender post; kind of like a "look-back-post-to-start-the year" thingy eh?  Sounds right to me.

May 7, 2017

NCP Photoshoot for A Cause 2017: "Cosplay Shoot for Charity going strong at sixth"

"Summer, Shutter, Fundraiser"

As summer and vacation starts in earnest, the National Cosplayers of the Philippines once again held their annual "Photoshoot For A Cause" event, which now is on its Sixth Year.  Of course, yours truly, having participated on last year's edition, was not going to let this one pass up.

Join me after the jump for the whole feature of this event:

April 13, 2017

Kiroku Tensha Eriko goes Doctor Who - A look back at possibly the best series of Modern Who to date: Series 9

Following the momentum of my "look back" at Series 8 of Doctor who in my last post, this time I review what could possibly be the best series of Modern Doctor Who to date - Series 9.

As I have said, Series 8, despite being a great "12th Doctor Starter Pack", was a difficult and turbulent one.  Considering that statement, there was virtually no way I have telegraphed that the sophomore season of Peter Capaldi/Twelfth Doctor will turn out to be as one, if not, the best Series of Doctor Who I have ever seen since the revival (2005 - Series 1). Yes! It was great, like a movie sequel that turned out to be better than the first one!

Series 9 dealt largely with the themes of death, loss, and even immortality. It also showed us a little bit of a toned down Doctor from last season as Peter Capaldi's Doctor this time has a more down-to-earth persona, but still has the "Grumpy One" vibe he had from his debut. One thing to note about Series 9 is it was a galore of multiple part episodes which was a first for Doctor Who since 2005.

Without further ado, here is my take on Series 9: