December 31, 2016

Kiroku Tensha Holidays: Happy New Year!!! (2017 Version)

Happy New Year, Everyone!

Its the time of the year again when, well...the year comes to a close and there is no better way of closing it out with a blog post, right?

For this year's version, I chose to have a look back to 2016 coupled with some pictures. As you can see in the picture above, just like in driving a car, you can go forward, but you always have to look back (in the rear view mirror).

Before the year ends, I want to look back on the happenings of this year and see what I have accomplished. May that be little or big, those are still happenings/accomplishments and I will not let those pass undocumented.


The year started on solid ground for me. I was able to set the goals that I want to achieve for the whole year. I can say right now that I am proud that I have accomplished most of those goals. The good thing about setting up goals is it gives you direction and puts you in tune for the whole year. I did not regret having set those goals for myself.


The month of love eh? Well, having a Valentine's Day date with my two girls on the 14th of the month will always be the highlight of any February.


The highlight of March is the impulse purchase of a flashgun/Speedlite unit. It gave my photography a different dimension and it was a good investment. Some of the best photos of this year could not have been achieved without this little full manual unit. A good buy, indeed.


Nothing can top the Graduation Day of my daughter for the best happening in April. It was her first Graduation rites and it was also a first for us, her parents. We are very proud of our little princess.


On the very first day of May, I participated in a charity photography event (Photoshoot for a Cause) and it was a very eye-opening experience for me. Not only was I able to work with very talented cosplayers and photographers alongside helping the cause of giving free school supplies to less fortunate children, I also found out how far my photography skills have come. The praises that I received from pictures that I took from this event was more than I expected. Definitely an achievement in my book.


June will always be an important month to me because of June 12. Independence day you say? Not really. June 12 will always be an important day as it marks the birthday of my beloved wife. I was not able to do a birthday post for her this year unfortunately, but it will always be a given that her birthday will be the highlight of June.


July will mark the arrival of the newest member of our family. We decided to get our daughter a dog and we got an energetic Chi-Pin that we named Chewy (short for Chewbacca). I almost decided not to get him, but thanks to my wife's persistence, I was spared of regretting a decision.


We took our daughter to her first Toy Expo in August. It was a happy day not only for her, but for us her parents too. Back in our childhood days, expos like this was not the thing, so it brought back the kid in us too. Looking forward to more expos that we will attend to next year.


The highlight of September was our return trip to Baguio. This time, the whole family is complete as my father was on vacation on this month. Nothing beats a trip to Baguio with all the family members present eh?


October's highlight is my mother's birthday. Just like the Baguio Trip, being a complete family celebrating this special day makes it the most important happening in October.


There are a lot of happenings in November to be honest, but I have to say that the once in a blue moon "Supermoon" will have to take the chip. Anyone will have to agree with that eh?


Last month of the year and still a lot of happenings like Christmas parties, Christmas Day, and even New Year's Eve. I may have to leave this as an anything goes month. Let us just say that the highlight of December is being able to complete an adventure of a year that is 2016. Nothing can beat that.

Need for Speed

Also, as a special mention; one of my goals for 2016 was being able to hone my driving skills. I promised myself that 2016 will be the year that I hit the road and drive more and you know what?

I did that and I am proud. Testament to that is that my family is now comfortable with me being in the driver's seat whenever I wager that I will drive for them. My wife and kid are happy that I can now drive whenever we have to go out instead of commuting. My sister believes that I am overkilling it with just driving around the metro and thinks I can handle the long drive now (expressways and the like), and most importantly, I got my mother to ride the car with the knowledge that I am the driver. Before, she will do any excuse in the book just not to ride if I am the driver, but I guess I earned her trust now. So come 2017, I promise I will be a better driver too. That is for sure.

This year is coming to a close already? Wow!

Now to close this one out, A shout out to my family, relatives, and friends. Again, you guys are fantastic! Again, thank you for the patience, trust, and belief in me. As always, I promise I will be better this coming year. I have been a good boy last year and this year, I will be a better man too. I have to say 2016 was tough as there are a lot of people who tried to put me down, but to hell with them! What I do and will always do is not to please other people, but to please the people that are close to me and that I love and I will stick to that no matter what.

As always, Thank you Lord for this year. Here is to a 2017 that will have a full season of Doctor Who (LOL)...I mean a 2017 full of exciting chaos and unexpected awesomeness! 

May we all have a blessed and peaceful New Year!

Until next year,


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