February 7, 2015

Migrate, Roam, Wander...Relocate.

"Change is Constant"

They say that "when a new year comes, a new beginning follows" and since we are two months into 2015, a new beginning is about to happen. A new beginning via the way of change.

Okay, now what is my point here, you may ask? Am I giving up and quitting on blogging? No! That is not it. To be honest, since I started my humble blog in 2013, then having a hiatus after only just one post, and then continuing it after a one-year interval, blogging has been a fulfilling experience for me and I may not have reached a hundred post for the past year, but I think that I was on a roll (for my part) and there is no real reason to stop. So, No! The change that I am referring to is not about my blogging. I just want to make it clear.

The change I am referring to is branching out to a new social media platform from another.

Getting to the point - I am now switching over to my Tumblr account from my Facebook account as my main social media platform. I am sure a lot of you will ask why. Obviously, Facebook has and is still one of the best social media platforms for the past few years - For the record, I had an FB account even before FB has become the de facto social media site - that is around late 2008 - and I do agree with that. I use it, of course, to stay connected with friends.

However, this past few months, I am slowly becoming "disenchanted" with it. I don't know why, but I guess one way to put it is that for me, Facebook has lost its "Luster". Back then, it was an advancement compared to good ol' Friendster, but fast forward to now, it has become stale, dull, repetitive, and "Limited." Add to that the fact that it has lately been a sight for sore eyes to see your News Feed overflowing with a lot of things that I find annoying rather than amusing. I can make a list, but that will be too tedious to read. I guess I have grown tired of FB, but that is just me. I am not going to deactivate it (like others do), but on the other hand, I do not feel using it as a "Primary", if you know what I mean. Stalemate.

Now, I am thankful that I have a Tumblr account. With my sudden disenchantment with FB, it is a good thing that there is a platform that I can go to where everything will feel fresh and different. A bonus is that Tumblr's platform favors the ones who love to Blog - it obviously encourages it. Using Tumblr is technically a Win-Win for me since it can go hand in hand with my main blog noted above.

So there it is, a new year deserves a new beginning by the way of change.

Before I end this post, I will clear out that I may not be posting to my Facebook account, but still I will make sure that my Tumblr posts will be posted and in-sync with my FB account since a lot of my friends are still on that platform and I do not want them missing out on anything. I may be straying away from Facebook, but my friends on that platform are so IMPORTANT to me.

Until next time,


After-Post Thoughts:

* This is technically my first post to my Tumblr Blog/Account. If you want to visit it click HERE
* My Tumblr Blog's name shares the same name as one of my blogs in my Blogger Account


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