February 13, 2015

#EffTheWin - Obviously, the opposite of WTF

A New Section is Up

Image is from www.allposters.com.ar
If you have been reading my blog for a while,  I am sure you are familiar with one of my ongoing series titled "#WutTheEff", right?

Actually, when I started the series, it focuses on some of the outrageous news or articles that I make a post on and leaned a little on the negative side of things, rather than the positive (hence the title, derived from the expression WTF)

However, as they say, life is not all about the negatives since a lot of inspiring, funny, and positive things happen that are worth noting and of course, worth writing/making a blog post for.

In lieu of those (things that lean on the positive spectrum), I decided that I am going to add a series that will be the exact opposite of my #WutTheEff section and since WTF spelled backwards becomes FTW (which translates to FOR THE WIN), I think it is best that I derive the name of the new series/section from it - "#EffTheWin."

A new thing is always a good thing and the #EffTheWin series will surely be a good addition to this personal blog of mine. I do hope you do like it as my other existing series/sections.

Until next time, 


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