October 10, 2014

#Yahtzee - 2000 Views...wait, make that 2001.

Hey! It has been a long time since I had a blog post, eh?

To be honest with you dear readers, I really have a lot of things that I want to post. Ideas and articles are really swelling in this head of mine for the past few weeks, but alas, time does not permit me to translate them all into meaty blog posts.

The culprit?

My demanding day job.

For the past couple of months, it has been a roller coaster ride in my workplace. (That story should be saved to be discussed at another time, I guess) It really zapped a lot of time from my schedule that between that time and now, I was only able to do ONE freakin' blog post, which was really unfair for this beloved Blog O'Mine. It was really a rough couple of months for me and thank God, things are starting to come back to normal and finally, I can post again. (Oh, how I miss writing blog posts!)

Now, one thing that never fails to make me happy upon checking in on this blog is seeing the view counter go up in number because of your very precious views.

If you notice, I have added a gadget that counts the views that my blog gets so that you can also see how far those little views (that you had a hand with) have come.

I started with only one or two views a day and little by little, it is adding up and I really appreciate those people who care to visit and read my blog. I am so elated to have you reading this personal space of mine on the internet. Thanks a lot peeps!

Okay, now without further ado, look at the view counter at the right and see the number right there...

It reads 2001 (However, depending on the time you view this post, it might have changed to a different number) and that means this blog officially has over 2000 views (You all helped the blog achieve that.)

Again, this post serves as a marker for another small, but important and meaningful feat and again, another "Thank You" post to those who dedicated time and effort to read through this Blog O'Mine. You all have my sincere gratitude, again, Thanks a lot.

Thanks for those precious views, Yahtzee!

Until next time,


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