October 28, 2014

Back from the North

I’m back!

Back to Activities of Daily Living again

Hey peeps! After a few days of vacation, here I am again back in the City. Our vacation in Baguio was simply a Blast (although "Blast" is an understatement) that even if we stayed there for multiple days, I still feel kind of like “Bitin.” Sa totoo lang, parang ayoko na umuwi ng Manila, he he he.

Unfortunately, as all vacations go, after it is up, you are back to reality again and have to deal with things that you left behind before your vacation. For me, it is time to go back to being an employee, a father to my daughter, and of course a blogger too.

The good thing about the vacation is, I experienced a lot of things to write about and share with you these upcoming days through blog posts. Come to think of it, I have a lot of catching up to do with the blog. Point at hand is the Eckogram Instagram Diary, so that will be the first thing I will be working on and the rest will follow.

So, if you are down with it, then just keep tuned in to this little Blog O’mine.

Until next time,


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