October 23, 2014

Backpacker Woes

We leave for The City of Pines in a few hours from now and guess what? I still haven’t packed my stuff yet.

The thing is ever since the start of this week, I have a picture in my mind of what my backpack contents should be and how it should be packed; however, when it comes to the actual packing of stuffs, then that is when things get a little too complicated.

Oh well, I guess I can be forgiven today because for one, I just came from a grueling graveyard shift at work and so, my mind is not at its optimal performance and add to that that I am egg-zoited (excited) for this upcoming trip too.

One thing is for sure, I will not forget to bring “Wan-Wan” to this trip. He will be my “Third Eye” for our escapade up North.

Okay, time to get serious with the actual backpacking…

Until next time,


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