October 22, 2014


"I was Born Ready! Yes!"

Add these three things up and tell me what you will get:

•    Baguio City and its currently COLD weather.
•    A 31-year-old man who has never been to Baguio since forever.
•    An upcoming getaway to Baguio City for THREE freakin’ days and nights.

That adds up to a very “Egg-zoited” person, Yes?

It is obvious who is that 31-year-old man is, right? Me!!

First of all, I am not embarrassed to admit the fact that for 31 years of my existence in this planet, I have never been to Baguio City.

Sound impossible? Well, try me then. I don’t know why though. I know a lot of people my age for sure had been to Baguio for the first time during their younger years and maybe even had frequent returns to the city too, but the case is different with me. Reasons may vary from; time does not permit, No luck with Lady Luck, or there are priorities to be dealt first than going there, etc..but the thing is somehow, for 31 years, I didn't had the chance of setting foot on the City of Pines.

Fortunately, that is going to change a couple of days from now as finally, I will be having a vacation there. Sure, 31 years is a long time, but I am sure it will be worth the wait. The best thing about it? I will be documenting my first time there and will be posting about it in this Blog O' Mine.

How egg-zoited I am, you ask? *Chuckles* Take the GIF below and replace Anna with me uttering that "I was Born Ready! Yes!" Line (Complete with the GIGGLING action), LOL!

City of Pines, I 'm comin for you...Molto Bene!

Until next time,


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