December 30, 2014

Kiroku Tensha Holidays: A Very Merry Christmas To All!

Cheers Peeps! Merry Christmas!

First of all, this is the very first Christmas Blog post that I will be writing, so I am a bit excited to do this, actually. Let us get on with it then.

I was really raring to write this one down and had a target date of posting it exactly on the eve of Christmas, but Alas! The Christmas Rush just caught up with me and then followed by the Christmas hangover and this post was pushed down and had been delayed a little. So anyway, how did my Christmas go? Read On...

A Snowy...err I mean RAINY Christmas:

Since the morning of the 24th is technically not yet Christmas, I still had to go to my day job. Honestly, that sucks. I mean, almost a lot of people are on Christmas Mode and raring and preparing for the Christmas Eve at this time of the year, right? Anyway, to make matters worse, it is raining like hell! Yep, it is raining and not the drizzle-type of rain, but the borderline torrential one. I would not mind if it was Snow, but rain? C'mon! Not a good way to start the 24th, huh?

Work has no consideration, at All!

Isn't it funny that just when you do not feel like working, that is when Work really start to pour in? Oh yes, it does, and at the "very wrong" moments too. The day before, we had been promised of a shortened work day that the company and our client has agreed upon, only to have that promise be broken at the last minute. Tsk tsk tsk, how I wish Work do know the spirit of Christmas, sheesh!

I felt the Rush..The Christmas Rush!

You know what I really do not want during the Christmas Season? The Christmas Rush! I, for one, do like to shop very early for presents so as to not be caught up in the rush, where all the people are trooping the malls and everybody seems to be in the hurry and the crowd just piles up. Nope! I do not really want to be a part of that. Unfortunately, this year, the Christmas Season has been a bit busy and some of the dough also came a bit late so we have no choice but to join the Christmas Rush to complete the presents that we will be giving.  Me and my wife agreed that we will be going in it together, but due to the bad weather as previously mentioned, suddenly I have to go Solo! What? Is this some kind of a sick Joke?

A little planning and critical thinking makes it a bit more easy though. Knowing that I will go solo, the first thing I did was make a list. Yes! ala Santa Claus Christmas List. I wrote down all the people that I need to buy gifts for and wrote down what stuff I plan giving them. After it was decided, I researched for the shops that offers those things and listed them. After my office hours, I went down to the mall and the first thing I did was find the shops first on the directory of the mall and then systematically worked my way buying the stuff. It really is less time-consuming if you'll ask me and to be honest, if I will be caught in the rush again, I know now what plan works best.

Holidays in the Philippines always come bundled with horrible traffic

Another thing that I do not want to be stuck in during the Christmas Season. The Traffic! Unfortunately, since I did some last minute Christmas Shopping, I experienced the traffic jams that the holidays bring. That is a given though in the Philippines and somehow people knew what they are in for at this time of the year and just soldiered on with the slow-moving traffic. After nearly two and a half hours, I finally got home. Thank the heavens!

Christmas will always be Christmas

With all those things mentioned above, you might think that my Christmas just went all downhill, right? Well, when the clock struck twelve and I am with my family and relatives to celebrate, it seems all those negative things just went away and it just never happened. That is the magic of Christmas Day, I guess.

I also do hope that your Christmas was a very nice and positive one. Merry Christmas to Everybody!

Until next time,

Happy Holidays, Ciao!

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