December 16, 2014

Roadblock!? Im going to get Through This!

First things first, I gotta apologize for the lack of posts these past few weeks. I know, I know..It seems like before that loooong GAP of posts, it looks like I am on a roll, doing blog posts regularly. To be honest, that is the way that I really wanted it to be. 

However, there is a saying that "sometimes life does not turn out the way you want it" and that could not be more true with how things turned out to be in the last few weeks. 

I would not delve too much into it, but a lot of unexpected things happened that required my attention and my time that somehow, it is sort of like a deja vu of what happened last year when I was just starting with this blog of mine (that led me into almost forgetting this blog completely.) 

However, as compared to my attitude with blogging back then, my resolve right now is much stronger. Yes! There were roadblocks and setbacks thrown my way again just like before, but will I let it take toll again on this blog? Hella No Way! Not again, not ever(At least for the time being) As far as I am concerned, I made a promise and there is no way I will break that for such minor reasons.

Having said that, I just want to tell you 
(my readers) that I am back and this blog is still alive and kicking. I have a lot of posts actually - though archived at the moment - and I am raring to have them posted here. Things to watch out includes the continuation of the Baguio Trip series, Eckogram posts, some reviews, and a "new" section about to debut, so I do hope that you hang in tight there and watch out for that.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank all the people who supported this little blog of mine, whether it is by reading the posts, liking the Facebook page and the corresponding social media posts related to this blog, and also being the best moral support that I can have in my very young blogging endeavor. I know my blog may be just a dot in the World Wide Web, but your continued support for it makes it look big nonetheless. Again, Thank you and I have always appreciated you all.

Again, stay tuned for the next post.

Until next time,


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