March 9, 2015

#Eckogram - A Dozen (Twelfth)

Hello Peeps! it is time once again for an entry to the ongoing "Eckogram Photo Diary" series. This the twelfth entry and whad'ya know? We already have a total of a dozen now. Nice!

Without further ado, here it goes..

Eckogram Entry 12:

1. Silver Lining - It is not rocket science, we all know that high-flying aircraft - like Jets - leave behind a contrail that is visible in the sky. I shot this one particular contrail because it is rare to see a curved one (most of the time, contrails are straight lines). It kinda reminds me too of the border between Inferia and Celestia in the game called Tales of Destiny 2/Tales of Eternia (Kudos to those who will get the reference). I miss playing that game.

2. Rehydrate - One illness that I hate having is Rhinitis (The common cold) and unfortunately, I catch it too easily. Ironic huh? Well, you know what they say when you catch a cold...drink lots of fluid; rehydrate!

3. Rhinitis and LSS - I was really feeling under the weather because of a darn case of Rhinitis, so bad that I turned to an inhaler to remedy my clogged nose. The good thing that came out of it is while listening to Ed Sheeran (it all started with LSS), I got to pick up my guitar and rekindle my talent for the instrument.

4. My packed lunch got even better - My wife has been recently secretly putting "Post-It Notes" to my packed lunch. A nifty surprise and makes my packed lunch better in all the right ways!

5. No Cone? - I don't know if others have noticed, but my daughter's favorite fast food chain with a bee mascot has been cutting corners with their twirls: They are not serving it in a cone. I think they have been doing this for a long time, but I mean, a twirl must be served in a cone right? Not good and not Jolly...Bee.

6. Immortals - I have been hooked to this song by Fall Out Boy from Disney's Big Hero Six lately. Why? Well, my daughter has been watching the movie over and over for weeks now so I just can't help but hear the theme song playing a lot of times.

7. Advent Macro - When I have the spare time, I do some photoshoots indoors with any subject that I can use. They say that being indoors is not a hindrance to improving your craft and I believe in that. For this particular one, I chose to shoot some macro-themed photos using a Chibi Cloud (from Final Fantasy VII fame) mini-figure as my model.

8. At Sto. Domingo on a Domingo - We attended a mass at Sto. Domingo Church with our daughter. Incidentally, it is her first time to attend mass at this church - the same church where me and wife took our wedding vows.

9. In a hurry, Allie? - This is the reason why you never let Allison get a hold of a lipstick. Hey, girl, don't be hasty. Enjoy being a little girl first, will you, Allison?

And there it is, the Twelfth entry comes to a close. I am really elated that we have a dozen of it by now. Anyway, again, a big thanks to all of you for dedicating some time to read not only the entries in this series, but also, the whole blog as well. It is really appreciated my dear readers.

Until next time,


As always, Eckogram-related posts will simultaneously be published in my Phlog HERE. It will be greatly appreciated if you can check it out too.

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