March 13, 2015

#Eckogram - Friday (and) the 13th (entry)

Hello there! Today is Friday and the 13th day of the month - "Friday the 13th" as they call it - and incidentally, this is now the "Thirteenth" entry to my ongoing photo diary series. Talk about coincidence huh?! Anyway, here is the 13th Eckogram entry on a Friday the 13th:

Eckogram Entry 13:

1. Tacky - Saw this cork board tack lying around near my workplace so I just snapped it up for the hell of it and then, I did the honor of putting it back where it should belong - in a Cork Board, of course.

2. Allie Ziegler - My little sister recently bought a wig and got a blonde one that resembles the singer/Songwriter Sia's hairdo. The first one to try the wig out was my daughter. Here she is ala Maddie Ziegler of Sia's Chandelier MV fame. All I can say is...Bagay!

3. 8-bit Ghibli - Fact is, I am a certified Hayao Miyazaki fan. Now, I gotta hand it to the artist who exerted a "grade A effort" of making this 8-bit rendition of some of the Ghibli classics. Imba ka, Dude!

4. Live Long and Prosper - It was really a sad news that the great Leonard Nimoy passed away. He was Spock and will always be. I guess he will ultimately go to where no man has gone before after all. To you Mr. Spock, here is a respectful Vulcan Salute! - "dif tor heh smusma." 

5. Fooling Around - My daughter has been fond of fooling around lately. Here is one of her "Foolin' around antics." Well, that is a "Three-nager" for you.

6. Crunchy and Nutty - I am not really a sort of a sweet tooth, however, when it comes to chocolate bars, I want them with either Rice Crispies or Peanuts in it. Obviously, Hershey's Krackel and Mr. Good Bar variants are a shoo-in favorite of mine. I just can't really say no to those...REALLY!

7. Gum Balls - Whenever Allie sees one of these Gum Ball dispensers, she always asks a couple of 5 Php coins (overpriced!!) so she can get a couple of those gum balls. The Catch? She does not even eat the gum balls. She just enjoys the way it is dispensed on a spiral tube. Me and my wife end up chewing those gum balls, LoL!

8. Key of C - Some may not know, but I am a really self-taught multi-instrumentalist in my own right. My weapon (music instrument) of choice has always been the guitar, but I do know how to play other instruments too. Lately, I am refreshing my Piano/Keyboard skills because I am planning to make a recording of some of my penned songs. Hopefully, I can do that this year, HOPEFULLY.

9. S2pid is 4ever - If I have my camera with me, thing is - Stolen Shots will happen! Here is one of those "stolen shots" taken while my Mum is having a good time reading Madam Miriam Santiago's book. Hey Ma, that is a good read!!!

Okay, so the Thirteenth entry on a Friday the 13th has come to a close. Again, as always, I thank you for the time you gave reading this post. Stay tuned for the next entry on this ongoing series.

Until next time,


As always, Eckogram-related posts will simultaneously be published in my Phlog HERE. It will be greatly appreciated if you can check it out too.

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