April 21, 2014

Welcome Back! Stay Safe. (And Avoid Dumb Ways to Hurt Yourself)

Enjoyed your Vacation? Now you get back to work...and to Reality of course!

I'm sure the Holy Week break gave a lot of us a deserved (albeit somewhat short) reprieve from our normal working days that can be somewhat stressful and punishing.

Unfortunately, It is a Monday again and you know what goes down on a Monday, right? "Back To Work" time and back to reality again for a lot of us.

Stay Safe on a Monday (and every day after)!

Stay Safe Everyone!...and avoid Dumb Ways to Die, Literally.

Until next time,


April 20, 2014


Hey Guys and Gals! How did you spend your Holy Week, huh?

I think it got down to two things this past Holy Week especially if you are one of the working class; It is either you were able to have your much needed vacation by having a time off from your work or you "STILL" did work even if it is clear that you should be having a time off from work (Which the Company you work for does not understand because of "Ka-Ching!" reasons). If you do relate more with the latter, do not fret! I am one with you there.

Reflect and Select (The good and bad...that is!)
The thing is, even if you are on vacation or unfortunately, have to drag your feet to work, what is important is we are able to make the most out of the Holy Week. For me, I did a lot of "Reflection and Selection" - That is when I reflect on a lot of things - either good or bad - that I did and then "selecting" the good (and decide to keep doing it) and the bad (which, of course, I have to ditch) and looking forward to a better me (in the spiritual aspect) for the coming days.

I do hope we all did the most out of our Holy Week break.

Until next time, 


April 15, 2014

The McDonald's BFF Fries - "A Kaiju lands in the Downtown"

Tag Team match? Anyone?!

If you are fan of the 2013 film Pacific Rim, then you are familiar with and know what a "Kaiju" means, right?

Okay, for the benefit of those unfamiliar, the Japanese term "Kaiju" means a strange creature in Japanese, but when translated and defined in English, it has a more Badass significance..."MONSTER", a BIG and GIGANTIC Monster, to be exact.

A few days back, a certain kind of "Kaiju" has landed on Philippine Shores, particularly in McDonald's outlets - The BFF Fries!

April 13, 2014

The Ayala Fairview Terraces - The Follow-up Review

Here comes a new challenger!

If you guys track back, I had a blog post about the newly opened Ayala Fairview Terraces a few weeks back. (You can view it here)

As promised in that article, here is the follow up for that post. We recently visited the mall again and this time around, in addition to the mall now fairly populated with shops, I also brought a better glass for my camera to shoot the place a little bit better. (My mistake last time was I brought a prime lens)

Now, I promised a review, so here it goes:

April 9, 2014

"Ichigaw mo cha Hangin"..Liwanag Sa Dilim!

UchuSentai:Noiz was not even in my Top five favorite J-Rock Bands...until NOW!

As for those who know me, I do love music, all kinds of it actually. However, the type of music which I consider close to my heart is Japanese Rock or "J-Rock" for short. I am a big fan of L'arc-En-Ciel and Vamps and obviously, Hyde.

On the other hand, in the local music scene, I dig the music genius of Mr. Rico Blanco (Which I consider as a GREAT influence, also).  I am a fan of him from Rivermaya Days up to his Solo endeavors recently. (I was even called Je-Rico Blanco by some of my close friends because of that)

There is this Visual Kei Band (Visual Kei being a subculture of J-Rock) that has been strutting their stuff lately and winning the hearts of local J-Rock fans here in the Philippines - that band is UchuSentai:Noiz.