November 29, 2014

#EffTheWin - The New Star Wars Trailer Awakened something in Me

"Kim Kardashian Who? If anything can break the internet, I think this STAR WARS trailer is what it is!"

Besides being a Doctor Who fan, I am also a BIG Star Wars fan. In fact, I can say that I am a Star Wars fan before I even became a Doctor Who fan.

I have watched all of the movies; the original trilogy and even the prequel trilogy and to be honest, I was a bit sad when George Lucas said that there was no more to the story beyond Episode VI (Return of the Jedi) back then. Fast forward to present time, Lucasfilm is now acquired by Disney and when it was announced that an Episode VII is in the works (with JJ Abrams of Star Trek fame directing), I just cannot help but feel excited.

The first film (the seventh episode) of this new trilogy is aptly titled, The Force Awakens. A good title if you ask me. News and reports have provided bits of info after info that include; the return of the original trio of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia Organa (portrayed by Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher respectively) from the original trilogy along with a new cast of leads and that the story will be set 30 years after Return of the Jedi. Those are promising news to be honest, but somehow, there is little doubt in my mind if this new film can match the original trilogy or even one up the prequel trilogy (the prequel trilogy is just good in my book and was inferior to the original trilogy, in my opinion). For a fan of Star Wars, the last thing I wanna see is this movie doing something that will stain the reputation of the franchise that I followed and had been a fan of since I was just a 10-year-old kid.

Finally, an official teaser trailer was released to coincide with Black Friday in the US, an 88-second long trailer to be exact. Here it is:

Okay, that is really a "Teaser." How did it fare for me?

Actually, I was really raising eyebrows in the first seconds of the trailer, a shot of the desert with a narration that sounds like Benedict Cumberbatch narrating it (of course, I know it is not Benny, I just said sounds like), then suddenly a guy in a stormtrooper outfit popping out "Screamer-Style" made me think like "Man, is this a Joke?" and almost had me quitting watching the trailer. However, the fan in me made me soldier on since we haven't had any new live-action Star Wars stuff since 2005.

Then, there is this R2-D2 wannabe that looks like a ball or something, I grabbed the mouse and about to quit at that time then, Stormtroopers happen. I sit back and relaxed again then to a shot of a female lead in a hoverbike. This is becoming interesting. Next up is a shot of  pilot in a very familiar uniform and cockpit..oh damn, an X-Wing, a low-flying X-Wing! I loved those starfighters especially the one Luke used to total the Death Star One. We are going somewhere here.

My happy demeanor was replaced by a curious one when a shot of a cloaked figure came up, he is in a snowy place and then he belted out and activated his/her lightsaber...or is that a Claymore?
That is not a Lightsaber, that is a "Light Claymore"
Then, black screen, but there is still 33 seconds left of the trailer? Is that it? Suddenly the all-familiar theme kicks in with the shot of another familiar aircraft maneuvering while being fired at by Imperial TIE fighters...

PEW! PEW! PEW!...Holy Sh*t!
Holy Guacamole! That is the Millennium Falcon, the iconic ship of Han Solo! No way, TIE fighters, no amount of PEW! PEW! PEW! of your puny lasers can take down that ship and you will all be in a world of hurt and...oops, sorry about that. That is the 10-year-old in me speaking because of pure excitement. Oh man, I was pumped up from that scene and after that, the title card itself and 88 seconds came to an end.

Wow! That teaser trailer was brief, but utterly beautiful. I will be honest, after that Millenium Falcon bit, I was like "This 88-second clip is better than all the Prequel trilogy combined!" I will admit, a bit exaggerated though, but somehow this trailer has made me felt something - or better yet put - awakened something in me that the prequel trilogy did not. Maybe it is the general campy feel of the 1977-83 original trilogy rather than the CG bombarded scenery of the prequel trilogy or the feeling that this is an all new story where you do not know anything about it since it is a sequel rather than prequel. It somehow brought me back to my 10-year-old self and the same level of excitement I had back then seeing the X-wing Rogue Squadron vs the Death Star, the Millennium Falcon defying odds against bigger Imperial Ships, The rebel Snowspeeders resulting to tripping tactics to down some AT-AT walkers, and Darth Vader vs Luke Skywalker in a Lightsaber Duel. Suddenly, I was excited as a kid for another Star Wars adventure and I know, I am not the only one having this kind of feeling after seeing that trailer. Watch out, internet, you are in for it.

They say Kim Kardashian broke the internet? Kim Kardashian Who? If anything can break the internet, I think this STAR WARS trailer is what it is!

This teaser trailer really did "Awaken" a lot of things for Star Wars fans and one of them is "Hope" of a new and very promising trilogy to the beloved franchise .

Too bad, I gotta wait a year before this comes out on the big screen. 

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens will be released on December 18, 2015.

May the Force be with you,


After-Post Thoughts:

 * [Update 02/13/2015] There is a new section called "#EffTheWin" which focuses on blog posts that are on the positive and lighter side. I think this post belongs under its belt, so I made the adjustments and updated it. Thanks for reading.

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