May 2, 2014

#GYShiftBlues - Soy Milk goes Double Choco Loco

"A Chocolatey Soy Milk indeed"

Earlier at my shift (Graveyard Shift again of course), I was really feeling a little exhausted (a crash and burn effect I guess) so I head out to the nearest convenience store to have a fix and saw this new product:

Vitamilk Double Choco Shake


Okay, I am no stranger to Vitamilk Soy Milk products since I am drinking Soy Milk rather than Dairy Milk thingies (That is a perfect reverse of Carl Grimes favoring Baby Formula over Soy Milk) and I have tried all their varieties of soy milk offerings; the original, the energy variant, and the chocolate flavored (The Energy Variant being my favorite of the bunch). Seeing this new flavor toting the words "Double Choco" made me decide to quickly grab one and size it up.

Looks like Chocolait to me..
My Verdict:

I can say that this is the chocolatiest Soy Milk I have tasted so far. It is like you are drinking a chocolate drink rather than Soy Milk. I was satisfied that it lived up to the "Double Choco" appearing in its label. In my opinion, if you want to introduce someone to drinking Soy Milk, you better let him/her have this variant since you cannot tell if what you are drinking is soy milk or a chocolate drink in the first place. A chocolatey soy milk, indeed.

Where to get it:

Currently, it is only available at 7-Eleven outlets for around 24 to 27 PHP for a bottle (Not Bad!), but just like the other Vitamilk Soy Milk variants, it is safe to say that this variant will also be available in Supermarkets and Groceries in no time.

If you like Soy Milk, you definitely gotta try this one.

Until next time,


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