May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day! - To all the Mothers out there

"All that I am, I owe to my Mother" - George Washington

Tomorrow, we (here in the Philippines) are going to make an important decision for our country, and that is choosing the next leader/president. That is one big decision to make, but in all honesty, if making important and big decisions is the game, I have to say that our moms did that...and more.

May 1, 2016

NCP Photoshoot for A Cause 2016: A Photoshoot Event...with a Heart

It is not a secret that photography is my hobby and one of my favorite subjects to shoot are "cosplayers", so participating in photo shoots with some of them every once in a while has been a goal for me.  Having said that, I also look forward to participating in events that are for charitable causes.

Question: Can cosplay, photography, and charity go hand in hand in one event?

Conclusion:  Enter National Cosplayers of the Philippines (NCP) and their annual "Photoshoot for a Cause" event.